The BT Switch Off in 2025

Introduction: The BT Switch Off in 2025 – What’s the Deal?

BT, a telecommunications company in the UK, announced that it is going to switch off its copper network by 2020. The copper network will be replaced with fibre broadband and 4G mobile networks. There are many benefits of this switch-off, but there are also many concerns.

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Panic About the BT Switch Off

BT’s plan to switch off its analogue network in 2025 is the cause of much concern among the general public. The BT switch-off is a controversial issue, with many people fearing that it will have a negative impact on their lives.

However, there are some reasons why you shouldn’t panic about the switch-off.

  1. Older generations will be able to use BT’s digital services.
  2. It won’t be difficult to get a new landline provider if you want one.
  3. There are various alternatives to using a traditional landline phone such as mobile phones, Skype and FaceTime.
  4. You can buy an analogue adaptor for your digital phone if you want to keep using it after 2025.

What is the reason for discontinuing ISDN and PSTN?

The quick version is that they are outdated legacy technology with accompanying maintenance costs and disadvantages.

The public switched telephone network (PSTN) transports analogue voice data over copper wires. Although substantially enhanced over the years, this technology is essentially the same in idea and architecture as the early telephone networks of the late 19th Century.

Integrated Services Digital Network is also an old technology of telecommunications reaching retirement. Introduced in the late 1970s, it is a type of digital phone connection that is more reliable than analogue phone lines. ISDN was used previously to provide high-speed phone service on internet or similar digital phone networks. However, with the development of new technology, ISDN is on the way out, abandoning our need for it. BT will be phasing out the technology by 2025, ensuring that it will no longer be the default form of phone connection for broadband users.

What to do after the BT Switch Off?

Businesses will be unable to purchase ISDN and PSTN equipment beyond 2020. If you are using an ISDN/PSTN-based system, this is a great time to investigate other options. Although there is still plenty of time before 2025, it is critical to future-proof your business, and you may find that you want to migrate as soon as possible due to the benefits that the successor ‘IP’-based systems have to offer.

If you don’t already have a corporate telephone system, an IP-based telephone solution allows you to start from scratch. This way, you may avoid squandering money on technology and equipment that has a limited lifespan while also futureproofing your small/growing business. In this case, BT’s phase-out of ISDN will not harm you, and you may even gain an advantage over your competition.

How to Prepare Your Business for the BT Shutdown

It is not a question of “if” but “when” the BT shutdown will happen. The clock is ticking and businesses need to be prepared for it

  • Talk to your Telecoms provider for a solution for your business. If you have no preferred provider, get in touch with Greenlight Telecoms.
  • Find out about switching over to VOIP. See below.
  • Make sure you have a backup plan.

The Benefits of VoIP

IP (Internet Protocol) telephony has been around for a while, and many businesses have already benefited from it. Eventually, all phone lines will be replaced by IP technology, which is far superior to what we have used in the past. Here’s a quick review of the main business benefits of using hosted VoIP:

It is cost-effective as there is no need for a huge amount of on-site equipment because you only pay for the number of consumers you need, and all calls are made over internet lines. Furthermore, because there is so little on-site equipment, setting up and maintaining the system is much easier than with a typical telephone system. Alongside this is the versatility of the technology which allows you to easily add and delete users as needed. It doesn’t matter where you are; you can have a phone number from anywhere you have an internet connection.

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